power of Green

CRank: 6Score: 155755

You're lucky you guys only deal with one game vs every single game shown/released etc lol.

5740d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know Killzone 2 (hype) being the thing that gamers are talking about, like this title is the reason to own the PS3 isn't good.

5740d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

PS3 fans and media always know what is best for the 360 yet they have no clue what is good for PS3 lol.

5741d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Too late Sony lost the Popular opinion war and the devs support war.

Off-topic: LOL at the mod or PS3 fans deleting my comment in the 360 maxed out thread.

In the "Red Faction Maxes out Xbox 360 - Volition turn to Xbox 720"

Read what #1.4 said about GT5 and PS3... http://www.autogaming.net/x...

5741d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Better just ignor this.

5741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just your life...

5741d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

@#1. So PlayStation's not doing that now?

Anyways lol @ "Why Do Gamers Opt For PlayStation?"

^^ Is this the best time to be asking this question?

5741d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

Just slow...

5741d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fuc dude didn't even mention the game on PS3, its probably not even worth mentioning.

It's better to hype and kiss ass to their primary focus/platform/base.

The PS3 version is probably not even as close as Resident Evil 5's versions(PS3 version clearly inferior).

PS3 fans see more than the devs just letting fans/MSFT know they have full support from the company.

5741d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Didn't mean to make you guys mad just wanted to show *MNicholas* Praising PS3 is overrated.

Just wanted to show him the game he is boasting PS3's supposed might with, looks like it has plastic toy cars with virtually no complex prossessing in the back ground or on the surface on objects in comparison to a game on a supposed inferior platform, despite the 360 whooping PS3's ass in every comparison.

I'm sure if devs spent more than half an decade(give or take) on g...

5741d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment
5741d ago
5741d ago

Yes the game will be better on the 360 I'v seen interviews of the devs saying the 360 is the main platform.

This is just marketing gibba jabba, they only mentioned the 360 because it is their primary platform.

Look at the PS3 fanbys jizz their pants, I think they take this at face value.

5741d ago 2 agree15 disagreeView comment

When PS3 does better?

As soon as the hype for PS3 returns to that of a normal console?

As soon as people forget Sony had just won a major format war and should have zoomed to 2nd place.

As soon as the gaming media is finished venting their frustration due to the media being forced to praise PS3 because of Sony's loyal fans as they thought PS3 would claim 2nd place soon(drinking the Kool-Aid)

5742d ago 12 agree28 disagreeView comment

Bladestar was right he said this days ago and was attacked.

5742d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

I know I know...


Nothing really "bad" was said(it was just a suggestion something sucks/wrong from MSFT) lol

Love Vista

5742d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

If you hate MSFT then you'll hate windows altogether.

^^ Thats a better header for this news post.

Isn't that easy

5742d ago 9 agree33 disagreeView comment

Sony has to do more than just lower the price...
Games gamers buy the Playstation for are leaving, a PS series/game/franchise a month is going to the competition.

Popular opinion is always underestimated yet it is almost as important as price/games sometimes more of an factor(Wii)Sony is losing that battle ontop of price.

5742d ago 15 agree30 disagreeView comment

Man for all the MSFT threads you're in you make clueless comments.

ONce 7 comes out you'll be ripping that apart lol.

5742d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Anybody going to read this?

5742d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment